There are so many great things about the internet you know that there is going to be problems. And there are! Identity theft, fraud, and maybe the largest most problematic is the epidemic of computer viruses that are wreaking havoc. These viruses are different scripts (if you can call them that) written for purposes of destruction. It is the classic "minority of trouble makers ruining it for the vast majority of the rest of us." So what sorts of viruses do we worry about and get anti virus programs for.
Well, there are all sorts of different kinds of virus-type things traveling around in cyber space and require the protection of an anti virus tool. Examples include worms, spiders, spyware, and adware. They have a variety of effects ranging from pure destruction to actually taking sensitive information off of a computer's hard drive.
Spyware is an example of the latter effect. It is designed to come in via the internet (usually involves a download of some sort) and to search through the hard drive looking for sensitive and profitable information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and online preferences, and search or surf histories. The potential for badness with these is very real and very worth getting protection in the form of anti virus software tool for.
Anyway, as you may or may not know, there has been a new revolution of security (anti virus) software in response to this new demand for online security. This software ranges widely in both price and effectiveness. The software also generally offers both "treatment" and prevention of computer viral infections. That is to say that there is usually a scanning feature offered that is able to detect old infestations and to either quarantine them or sometimes it can actually repair the damage. The other feature then is to disallow new infestations. This prevention is accomplished with daily scanning of anything new, for example downloads or email, and warning user of anything suspicious and recommending action.
My recommendation is to get a more well known software package and be willing to spend a bit, because after all "you pay for what you get." Good bets are the anti virus software tools that are sold in computer, office supply, or electronic stores. You want to look and make sure that it has an automatic on line updates that allow your protection to stay as up-to-date as possible.
Anti Virus = Protect Yourself
PowerPoint Tip: Finding high-resolution logos and research graphics for your presentation
If you have ever had to put a logo on a slide, you know some of the challenges that exist. If it is your own logo, you probably have a high-res image easily available from your marketing department. But if it is a client or supplier logo, now you�ve got problems.
You can go to their web site and grab the logo from their home page, but it is usually small and low resolution. When you try to resize it to be large enough for the slide, it looks chunky, and not a good representation of that organization. You could search for the logo on Google Images, but you might end up with the old logo and be embarrassed during the presentation when they point that out.
How do you get a high-res logo from their web site? You need to know where to look. Some organizations actually have a logo download page, but most do not, and you need to be a little more crafty in your approach. In this tip, I�ll outline a way to find the high-res logo you are looking for and use it on a slide.
The key is to find the logo on the company�s web site embedded in a PDF document. PDF documents almost always have high-res graphics in them that look great in a presentation. Finding an appropriate PDF document could take hours of searching, or you can use Goolge�s advanced search tool to find it quickly and easily.
In the Google search bar, use a search phrase like this:
�annual report� filetype:pdf
I use �annual report� as the primary search phrase because most organizations usually post their latest annual financial or other type of report on their web site. You could also try �press release� as another type of common document that gets posted.
The filetype:pdf narrows the search to only PDF documents so we aren�t using low-res web pages as a source for the logo.
The narrows the search to only their web site (obviously you would replace with their web site address). This means we are only using documents that they have posted and will reflect the official logo.
From the results of this search, select a recent report and open it to see if it has their logo (it almost always will). Zoom in to make sure the logo is clear and high-resolution. Save the PDF file to your computer and exit your browser.
Open the saved PDF file using Acrobat (the free Reader is fine). Zoom in on the logo so it fills the screen as much as possible. In Acrobat, use the Snapshot tool to capture the logo: Click Tools � Select & Zoom � Snapshot Tool. Use the crosshairs cursor to draw a rectangle around the logo. As soon as you release the mouse button, the logo is captured to the Windows clipboard (you may see a message notifying you of this).
Now switch over to PowerPoint and paste the logo on to your slide. You may want to crop it and you will want to size it to fit the usage on this slide. If you want it to have a transparent background, try the Set Transparent color tool in PowerPoint, which usually works quite well with logos.
Now you have a high-res, good looking, current logo on your slide. You can use this same technique to locate other graphics, such as diagrams or graphs from research firms who make them available in press releases. The next time you need a logo in your presentation, use this technique to make it look good.
Work or Workless
A wise man always has a view, "people without jobs, more tired than those who have jobs."
Whether any of your work, provided you are not lazy, definitely not as tired as a jobless. While working a full week, and from 8am to 4 pm every day, but this activity is more delicious than the jobless.
Those who work are a winner, wins from the self and the win to face life. Because this guy dared to face the world. Without a job we can not survive in this world.
Work and meet a decent life.
Dropshiping on Ebay
What is dropship?
Dropship is a system to sell something online without have a good and sends it to the buyer. So roughly the players of dropship is a reseller, to sell without having the goods.
Dropship business has been mostly done by the ebayer from several countries, as I know, in 2010 dropship business has increased, especially on eBay, because many of its resellers who sell on eBay, then the Dropshiper (producers) were also more and more.
It benefits offered vary, but should if we want to go as a reseller on eBay or wherever, we should be more observant to choose dropshipper, because as I have a experience use wrong dropshipper is the clarity of delivery of unorganized, dropshipper have advised that the items already sent , when it was up to 3 months has not reached the destination, and to make the claim could not, because it was too long.
The description of dropship is like this.
Suppose we do dropship, in this case, you are selling is a T-shirt. Here the equipment you need is a PC / Notebook, Internet Connection, and the ability to draw with any software (Corel, Photoshop, etc.) Provided that we can draw a design for later in the Print using DTG printer on the shirt.
The first thing to do is create a design image that you want to list on eBay, is like Funny shirt, then create a design , with the size determined by Dropshiper.
Then make privew product, for privew could you ask dropshiper.
After privew so, then you live list on eBay, and wait until there are buyers. If an item is sold and the dollar has entered into Paypal / Alertpay / etc. So we immediately order the Dropshiper. Warning: If the buyer has not made payments, then do not you ever do order.
after you take order to the dropshipper, ask to Dropshiper a Tracking Number (if provided) and send it to your buyer. Next live alone calculate your income, and pay a fee to eBay.
If you already earn a lot, do not forget to set aside a little to charity and do not forget to feed street children.
Hope can help
This little picture of dropship
Disk arrays
A disk array is a disk storage system which contains multiple disk drives. It is differentiated from a disk enclosure, in that an array has cache memory and advanced functionality, like RAID and virtualization.
Disk array refers to a linked group of one or more physical independent hard disk drives generally used to replace larger, single disk drive systems. The most common disk arrays are in
Online Business Guide
I have created an online business guide which is a ONE- STOP CENTER to guide you along in your online business venture.
Whether you are about to begin your online business venture or you have been in it for sometime now, you are welcome to use our guide to get a head-start in your business or to propel your online business to a greater height.
The main objective of our online business guide is
Bacterial Morphology and Structure
Bacterial Physiology
Disinfection and Sterilization
Bacterial Variation
Bacterial Infection and Immunity
Laboratory Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Bacte rial Infection
The Staphylococci
Enteric Bacilli
Anaerobic Bacteria
Actinomyces and Nocardia
Campylobacter jejuni
General virology
Viral Infection and immunity
Laboratory Diagnosis and prevention
Respiratory viruses
Gastrointestinal Viruses
hepatitis virus
Hemorrhogic Fever Virus
Herpes virus
Rabies virus
PrionHuman Immunodeficiency Virus (26 slides, 1.2 MB)
Hepatitis A-E (48 slides, 1.4MB)
Herpesviruses (71 slides, 1.1MB)
Herpesvirus Infections in Immunocompromised Patients (29 slides, 397KB)
Enteroviruses (21 slides, 211KB)
Respiratory Viruses (28 slides, 401KB)
Diarrhoeal Viruses (16 slides, 286KB)
Congenital Viral Infections (25 slides, 88KB)
Arboviruses (19 slides, 805KB)
Viral Zoonoses: Rabies, Arena, and Hantaviruses (27 slides, 933KB)
Virological Tests (38 slides, 987KB)
Molecular Tests used for the Comparison of Viruses (11 slides, 114KB)
Laboratory Quality Control (19 slides, 78KB)
Surveillance of Infectious Diseases (43 slides, 677KB)
Viral Pathogenesis (32 slides, 859KB)
Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine
A Black Friday/Cyber Monday Shopping List for Presenters
The frenzy of shopping known as Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the US is almost upon us. If you are a presenter or have someone on your gift list who delivers presentations, here is a list of some gifts that presenters would love to receive this Christmas. I�ll start with some that are smaller and lower cost, but still very appreciated.
Presentation remote: not being tied to your laptop allows you to connect much better with your audience. My favourite is the RemotePoint Navigator by Interlink Electronics.
Wireless travel mouse: when travelling, a wireless mouse makes it easier to get work done in hotel rooms, and it doubles as a backup for a presentation remote. My current one is the Microsoft Arc mouse, which is small, light, and works well.
VGA extension cable: you never know where the projector connection will be, and a 12 foot VGA extension cable allows you to position your laptop where it is most convenient for you, regardless of where the connection is.
Now let�s move to some of the more expensive purchases that presenters would love to find under the tree this Christmas.
Apple iPad: if most of your presentations are one-on-one, an iPad is a great way to present. You can even hook it up to a projector for small groups. I�ve done a video on how you can present corporate PowerPoint presentations on an iPad here.
Data projector: even though many corporate boardrooms have a projector, there are still many rooms where a presenter needs to bring their own. Look for one that is light, but has at least 2,000 lumens and is a minimum of XGA resolution (1024 x 768).
Laptop: the number of laptop choices is overwhelming. Look for one that has a good processor (I suggest an Intel Core i3 or better), at least 4 GB of RAM, a good video card, and at least a 500 GB hard drive. Those specifications should make the laptop last for at least two to three years.
Of course you should always check your prices and shop wisely, whether it is at a store or online.
Happy shopping!
PowerPoint Slide Makeover #65: Using a common denominator for comparisons
Just a quick note to let you know that a new Slide Makeover Video Podcast based on the ideas in "The Visual Slide Revolution" is available for your viewing through the iTunes Store, online or through my YouTube channel. If you want your audience to understand a comparison of two or more values, you must make it easy for them to see the difference without having to do calculations in their head. This makeover shows how to use a common denominator to make the comparison easy to understand.
This slide is similar to those submitted by the participants in my workshops - someone just like you who is looking for a way to make their presentations more effective. If you want to submit some of your slides to be considered for a future slide makeover, e-mail them to me at
If you have already subscribed through iTunes or another podcatcher, the new podcast should be automatically downloaded when you next run the program.
To subscribe via the iTunes Store, click here.
To view online or get the RSS file for other podcatchers, click here.
You can also watch all the podcasts on my YouTube channel at
If you have subscribed via iTunes or YouTube, please provide your positive feedback on the videos in the Comments and Ratings areas of the service so others know the value you get from the videos.
To get your own copy of "The Visual Slide Revolution", click here.
To access quick "how-to" videos for only $1.99 each, click here.
A Project Shared Is A Project Bettered
If something is worth doing, it's worth doing well, and it's always easier to do something well if you have the best tools available for the task in hand. If you're managing a major project, then the success of the end result can certainly be boosted by software which assists the process. The leading application in this field is Microsoft Project, offering a wide range of tools to help ensure that your organisation gets the most benefit out of the work you and other staff are completing.
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The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Use MS Project To Keep Colleagues Informed
Businesses are free to use Microsoft (MS) Project as a standalone product if they wish, although benefits can be reaped when it is teamed up with other software.
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The Microsoft Training Blog Team
How To Keep A Meeting Focused
A common problem with meetings is that there are lots of people who all want to talk. Some people love the sound of their own voices and have opinions on everything. Some people refuse to stick to a point and want to but in with related or unrelated topics. It is even the case that meetings become battle grounds for personal conflicts that are detrimental to the problem solving required. This can lead to an unproductive meeting where the original aim falls by the wayside. So what can you do to keep a meeting on track and deal with these issues?
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The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Keeping Your Project On Track - With MS Project
The computer you're reading this with is a complicated piece of equipment. For what you see on your monitor to be comprehensible or simply to ensure that moving your mouse elicits a similar response from the pointer on the screen, numerous tiny parts inside the device have to run all manner of processes. If any one of those parts or processes fails, then so can the whole kit and caboodle - you'll be hitting keys, but nothing will appear. Alternatively, the consequences might not be immediate; a minor error might at first slow the system down imperceptibly, but each time the computer runs the process, the errors will accumulate, and the computer will eventually seize up altogether.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Alexa Ranking
how to increase alexa ranking?
This question has often appeared in the Internet world. Especially, if you are a seeker of money from adsense, it would really need the trick to improve alexa ranking.
There are various ways to increase alexa ranking. In this post I wanted to share a few tricks to improve alexa ranking.
You'll be happy so see the ranking of the 12 million turned into 6 million or even 1.2 million. All that we can do with some trick.
4 Trick to increase alexa ranking:
1. Get Much Traffic
The most basic step: Get lots of site traffic! Because the initial idea of the Alexa rank is to determine which website has the most traffic with the assumption, more traffic = more popular. The higher the ranking on alexa the more popular of our website.
2. Alexa Toolbar
Using a browser that Alexa toolbar installed can increase your website ranking. Actually, not just your website, every website visited that Alexa toolbar installed browsers also gets "value" to be taken into account in the ranking. Then, is not sure of your website visitors is yourself? So, if your browser already installed the toolbar, then the addition of ranking points will happen automatically! :)
Well, the Alexa toolbar can be installed via the following links:
Instal now !!!!
3. Alexa Widget
Put stat Alexa site widget on your website / blog. Alexa stat this site, contains a javascript that leads each visitor data (ping) to the Alexa server, so that Alexa statistics become more accurate. Script can be taken in webs alexa (must login). Just copy and paste to your site or blog.
4. Alexa Blog/Content
Write about alexa. Webmaster and Blogger like to read a post hot to increase Alexa ranking. May be like you now, read this post.
This is a little ways to increase alexa ranking. There are many other ways to increase alexa ranking, if you have any input or suggestions, please post a comment below ...
Norton Toolbar: protect your PC from threats
Norton Toolbar help you to protect your personal computer from threats aimed at stealing personal and financial information and safeguard your identity when you buy, bank and browse online.
Norton Toolbar provides security and convenience, because it will protect your personal and financial information from cybercriminals and help you to stay safe from fraudulent Web sites. Say goodbye to losing
Building Positive Relationships With Staff, Building A Brighter Future For The Organisation
I'm going to go out on a limb here, and assume that you're a decent, reasonable, considerate and capable kind of person. I'm sure you are. You're the kind of person who'd be drawn to read this article, clearly a marker of wisdom and refinement. However, are you sure that colleagues see you in quite the same light? Are you certain that everything you say and do is interpreted by fellow members of staff in quite the way that you intend it to be?
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
How To Be A Success On Your First Day
Many of us are so nervous about starting a new job, we forget that we're the ones the company needs and wants to welcome. Why not turn the tables, prepare properly and make the best first impression ever? Here's how!
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
5 File-naming Tips To Stop Your Folders Being Disorganised
Let's face it, most documents these days - perhaps with an exception of our email - are collaborative, done with a team and not on our own. Whether it's a report in Excel, a letter in Word or a PowerPoint presentation to the boss, chances are you've had to run it past more than one person. Problems will arise with every "save" unless you follow some basic organisational rules for file saving and sharing. Here are some to make your life easier.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Preparing Your Project Properly
There's an old adage: "prepare to fail, if you've failed to prepare". Never is this more true than when related to Project Management. Many managers think less preparation is needed now that we have tools such as MS Project to guide and warn us when things are going pear shaped. Bad preparation is worse than bad execution, as one leads to the other and makes a mess of your plans. Instead of playing catch-up for things you failed to do at the start - here's how to plan your project properly.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Time, Money Or People? Which Is Your Weakness?
You may think you're a great budget manager and people person, but the two combined can be a formidable force in project management. People want to do their job. People want to do their job WELL. This usually means that they spend more money. In these difficult economic times, more money will usually send you over budget.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Counting The Costs Of Your Project Budget
Controlling your budget is the most essential part of any project. Going 'over budget' puts more strain on resources than anything else, and causes more pressure for the project manager and the team. Knowing how you're spending your money at every step of the way also becomes your best indicator for future problems your project might run into. So how do you do it?
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The Microsoft Training Blog Team
When Project Management Doesn't Go As Planned
There are a lot of advantages to a company having good project management within its organisation. Even companies which are at the peak of its field are always looking for new and innovative ways to improve work performance. A project manager can make extensive changes to a companies infrastructure in order to yield positive results. This is reflected in the £40 -£50k salaries they earn, with some industry sectors rocketing salaries to even dizzier heights.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
How Projects Fail Before They Begin
Successful project management comes down to two things: the right planning, and the right staff. If you think either are lacking, you're going to run into problems. Get it right at the start, and it will be plain sailing. Here are the pitfalls to avoid at the start of any project.
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The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Getting To Grips With The Core Of Project Management
There are lots of different areas within campaigns that require attention and supervision and project management courses are an ideal way of examining the core of tasks within them.
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The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Project Manage Resources For Stronger Task Foundations
Keeping control of a workplace assignment can be extremely challenging when problems crop up connected to the resources needed to make it a success.
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The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Preventing The Perilous Pitfalls Of Procrastination
Is there anything else you ought to be doing instead of reading this article? I hope not (and I'm glad to have your attention, settle yourself down with a nice hot drink and enjoy yourself), but if you do, well, it's understandable, isn't it? Don't we all have moments when we've something pressing to do, and we know we ought to do it, but we get distracted, we find something else to do, and the clock turns about unnoticed. Before we realise it, the job's still undone, and there's no longer time to finish it. Hopefully, there'll still be the opportunity to do it tomorrow, or next week, and of course we'll definitely make sure it's completed then. Sure, we've wasted time today, but we'll do better in future.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Time Management: Make Your E-mails Count
Many of us are aware that our email folder is accumulating in size, yet we still allow our inboxes to clock up with emails that we will forget about and probably never view again.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Ebay is a money sources of money
Work and sell an items on Ebay is a great way to make a part time job or full time job. Simply selling items of clothing, jewelry, and old CD’s, etc can add up to some extra spending cash, especially around the holidays or on Christmas day. For others selling items on ebay is their career, and they work very hard to make a good living at it.
If you want to be a great seller on Ebay, you must be very organized. From listing the item to processing payment, packaging, and shipment, tracking number of shipping, you need to make sure you have everything in order. You must organize all of your item. Full time sellers on Ebay must becarefully to anticipating bad buyers are going to be purchasing. They take the time to research a hot item on ebay, pricing, and make their selling price very competitive. Adding low or free shipping is also a great selling point. Take advantage of Paypal as a method of receiving payment. This will ensure the payment gets to you as well as reduce the amount of time it takes to get the item to the buyer.
There are innovative ways of buying products cheap to resell on Ebay at a profit. However, this does require a small investment. Buying toys or watches on the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas can result in big savings. You will also be able to sell them fast online. Buying children’s dress up clothing after Christmas and Easter will give you hot selling items that you purchased for about a 1/3 of what you will be able to sell them for. Purchasing Halloween costumes the day after the holiday is a great investment as well. However, you will need to store them to list on Ebay in late September and early October of the next year.
Providing quality customer service is key to being a successful seller on Ebay. Most buyers pay close attention to feedback ratings, and will go with the seller who has the best overall score. Making money selling money on Ebay can be a great opportunity for someone who is organized; detail oriented, and loves to shop.
How Your Office Can Kill Your Time Management
The modern office is usually a good place to work, however some of us aren't fortunate enough to have moved into a new build, we're stuck with old architecture, bad space management and overcrowding. If your office is full of people instead of resources, you might have your time eaten trying to solve problems to do with your surroundings rather than your work. Here are some ways to alleviate the negative effects that environment has on your time.
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The Microsoft Training Blog Team
The 30-minute Trick To Better Time Management
If you were asked to write a 20,000 word dissertation, a 50-page report, or even a practical book of instructions as part of the job you do, unless you're superhuman and supremely confident, you're going to think that it's an awful lot of work, and an awful lot of time. Sometimes we're handed mammoth tasks that we can't plan for properly because of the sheer dedication of time. Here's how you can do it, and it only requires 30 minutes of effort per day.
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The Microsoft Training Blog Team
3 Better Ways To Keep Track Of Time
To manage our time effectively, we have to manage our work effectively. If you have bad workload organisation, chances are your time management is suffering. Quality, rather than quantity, is what's needed when you've got the time. Here are three ways to improve the way you work and use the time you have effectively:
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The Microsoft Training Blog Team
PowerPoint Tip: Solve your presentation delivery problems
After you have planned your presentation and created persuasive visuals, you need to prepare to present your presentation. In today�s newsletter, I want to share some of the delivery tips I most often use when answering questions from participants in my workshops.
I�ll start with a good presenter evaluation feedback form I featured earlier this year from Jim Endicott of Distinction Services that you can find here. As you look at the specific items that Jim suggests we use to evaluate presenters, pay attention to those parts of each item that are underlined. The underlined phrases are the measurement criteria you should pay attention to when practicing before you deliver your presentation.
The equipment we use to present still seems to give some presenters a challenge. Make sure you practice connecting your laptop to a projector if this is unfamiliar to you. The key connections to focus on are the video connection and your remote. Make sure you know how to toggle the display so that is shows on both the projector and your laptop screen (check your user's manual if you need to). If you are bringing your presentation on a memory stick, practice taking it to a different computer and running through every slide to make sure it looks and acts the way you expect it to.
A mistake I see too many presenters make is they talk to the screen when they are delivering their presentation. Please don�t do this. It disconnects you from the audience and gives the impression that the screen is more important than they are. I have two articles on my web site that have techniques to help you if you find this is one of your presentation habits: both are listed in this section of the article archive.
Moving through the slides also causes a problem for some presenters. If you don�t own your own remote, I suggest you get one. My favourite is the RemotePoint Navigator from Interlink Electronics (available at and other retailers). It allows you to advance your slides without being tied to the laptop. You could also use a remote mouse to advance your slides, but be careful to not make the mouse run across the screen while you are holding it (press Ctrl+H in Slide Show mode to turn off the mouse pointer). Some presenters are now using an app on their smartphone to link across a wireless network to their laptop and advance their slides that way. Practice this to make sure it will work properly before you rely on it for a live presentation. If you need to jump to a slide in the presentation, press Ctrl+S in Slide Show mode and select the slide you want to go to. This is great for jumping to a detailed slide to answer an audience member�s question.
Remember that rehearsing your presentation using the equipment and room setting is the best way to be prepared to deliver an awesome message. Use these tips to raise your game for your next presentation.
Book Review: Using Resonate by Nancy Duarte to improve everyday presentations
When I agreed to review Nancy Duarte�s latest book, Resonate, I did so with the desire to find nuggets that everyday presenters could use. Those who have to present regularly in small group settings such as sales presentations, team meetings, project updates, and budget reviews, don�t have the time or desire to use some of the techniques that main stage conference presenters have the luxury to use. So this review is written from that perspective, and I have structured it around the nine rules Nancy uses in organizing her book.
First, let me start by saying I think that almost every presenter can benefit from reading this book. Nancy and I agree that if a presentation does not have a good structure, the fanciest visuals in the world won�t matter. That�s why structure is the first thing I address in my workshops and it is why Nancy refers to this book as a "prequel" to her first book on creating visuals. Even if you have heard this before, you will see some new ways of thinking about the planning of your message by reading this book.
So let�s look at what an average corporate presenter can learn from the nine rules that Nancy shares in Resonate.
Rule #1: Resonance causes change
In this first rule, Nancy asks us to shift our perspective from self-centered as presenters to being focused on serving the audience and helping them along their journey. A good starting reminder for all presenters.
Rule #2: Incorporating story into presentations has an exponential effect on outcomes
This chapter is the core of the book and the one I found most insightful. On page 26 Nancy has a masterful illustration of the differences between reports, presentations and stories. Pay attention to the differences and see how each is unique. Then, on page 36 she introduces what I consider to be the most important concept of the book, The Presentation Form. It is not a form in terms of fields to fill in, it is a shape that shows how presentations move between "what is" and "what could be" in powerful ways. When I saw Nancy describe this in a live presentation recently, a light bulb went off that explained some of why my presentations have improved since making a few key changes. The form applies to all presentations even though the examples she gives are main stage keynote style presentations � not the ones most of us will deliver. For an everyday presentation, craft your message so you move between describing the current state and the state you want the audience to move to, flowing between the two as you move through your message. Reread this chapter a few times.
Rule #3: If a presenter knows the audience�s resonant frequency and tunes to that, the audience will move
This chapter is about knowing your audience, something that both Nancy and I feel is not done well by too many presenters. The diagram on page 71 is very insightful and illustrates well the desire to move the audience to share more of what we know and understand. Spend some time with this diagram and how it can help you see your role as presenter in a slightly new way.
Rule #4: Every audience will persist in a state of rest unless compelled to change
Once you have discovered characteristics of your audience, this chapter examines how important it is to craft a message that moves them from where they are to where you want them to be. Nancy gives some good ideas about what you need to consider when creating this path.
Rule #5: Use the big idea to filter out all frequencies other than the resonant frequency
I like Nancy�s idea of a filter and I have been talking about using a filter for a while now because it is a perfect analogy. You will want to put a lot in to your presentation, but you need to use a filter to strain out anything that will not be purely focused on the key message you want to communicate. I think the story section on page 108-111 is a particularly good guide for presenters in crafting focused stories that do not ramble on without making a clear point.
Rule #6: Structure is greater than the sum of its parts
Once you have all the ideas, you need to arrange them in a coherent structure or else the message is confusing. Nancy gives some good advice on different ways to organize your information on pages 128-129. Keep these pages close when deciding on the structure of your presentation. Use the great process recap on pages 142-143 as a quick reference guide when collecting and organizing all the ideas you have that may be part of your presentation.
Rule #7: Memorable moments are repeated and retransmitted so they cover long distances
In main stage keynote style presentations, Nancy shows how you want the audience to take away something that they will never forget. This is the toughest idea in the book for everyday presenters to apply in their hurried work life. Most presenters don�t have time to carefully create these �over the moon� ideas. For most presentations that happen every day, I think this is really an extension of defining the goal of the presentation. You�ve thought about what you want the audience to do, know, understand, feel, etc, at the end of the presentation. Make sure you clearly state that during the presentation.
Rule #8: Audience interest is directly proportionate to the presenter�s preparation
This chapter is all about delivery and preparing for your time at the front of the room. Entire books are dedicated to delivery, and Nancy hits some key points in this chapter. The advice to screen your presentation before others is great advice for high-stakes presentations, but probably not practical for most regular everyday presentations. You should rehearse before you deliver, but if that can only be done at home in front of an empty room or cooperative family, that�s fine in my opinion.
Rule #9: Your imagination can create a reality (James Cameron)
Nancy leaves us on an inspirational high by showing how presentations have literally changed the course of history through a number of case studies. It highlights the importance of crafting an effective presentation. If you want to be a successful communicator, you need to make every presentation count.
Is this book valuable if you are an everyday presenter? Absolutely. Look past some of the examples that may not be from the world you live in, and focus on the key ideas that are applicable to all presentations.
If you want to watch a webinar that Nancy did introducing some of the key concepts in the book, she�s put the video online at
To purchase your own copy of Resonate by Nancy Duarte, you can buy from Amazon in the US by clicking here and Amazon in Canada by clicking here.
Better Budgeting For The Perfect Project
It appears that money doesn't grow on trees after all, nor accumulate in pots at the ends of rainbows. This unfortunately being so, it's imperative for even the largest and smallest of businesses to keep a firm hand on the budgets of all projects that they undertake. However, it's not always as easily done as said; as project manager, you won't have the funding sat on a desk before you, ready to dole out or not, and with clearly visible limitations. Budgets often have to be managed for many competing demands, and can spread out some way into the future; they have to be planned in advance, not just dealt with as and when.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Making Projects Easier To Manage With A Gantt Chart
It may read like the most banal of platitudes from an understandably-out-of-work psychotherapist - but life is a journey. Business is a journey. We're all moving from point A to point B, with no way of stopping. For some, it's an undesirable route down from a desirable and sadly-lost height, but for many it comes as a movement towards somewhere better, as an ambition or a welcome development. Businesses ought always to fall into this latter category, and need to be searching for improvement and progress, whatever form that may take.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Deciding On The Best Software For Your Project
As project manager you need to manage the people and assets that will be used for the duration of your project. Unless you've "done it all before", then one of the very first things you'll have to consider is which Project Management software to use - or if you need it at all! There are literally thousands of software solutions for project management, and here are some ways of breaking down the options to see what it is you - and your project - really needs.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
paid to upload
In this post I want to share a little information about Paid2Upload. What is meant by paid2upload is, the income we receive from us to upload multiple files, here you will get paid if you have uploaded the file was downloaded by other internet users.
Here I just want to tell one paid2upload sites, namely:
File Serve
Pay per Download = $ 0.01
Storage Capacity = 500GB / Unlimited to Premium Users
Limit File Size = 1024MB / file
Traffic restrictions = Unlimited / Unlimited
WD can be through paypal
why I recommend using File Serve
, Because this is what I know, and according to friends - my friends, File Serve
not a scam, he pays to the uploader, while for others such as Z *** u said my friend who already get 2XXx $, but could not get in anywhere WD.
but I suggest you try some list of paid to upload, the link below
I will update other paid to upload link...
. Read More........
Why I suggest you choose a boring font for your PowerPoint slides
Recently I�ve read a number of articles or online comments that exhort presenters to abandon boring fonts like Arial or Calibri. The argument is these fonts are overused and instead, you should search for and use a cool font that makes you stand out. One article even suggested what search term you should use to locate an appropriately cool font.
This may be a good idea for a main stage conference speaker who has complete control of all the technology parameters and will never have these slides shown on a different computer or e-mailed to anyone else. In my opinion, it is bad advice for the vast majority of presenters who deal with the real-world situation of having to present on different computers and e-mailing their presentation as a follow-up or to those who couldn�t attend.
For the presenters who live in the corporate arena, choosing a cool downloaded font is a bad idea. Why? Because you run the risk of your text being unreadable or gibberish. Here�s why I say this. When you use a downloaded font, it resides only on your own computer and doesn�t travel with the presentation file unless you�ve specifically set the option to do this (hands up if you know where this option is hidden). When that presentation arrives on another computer, PowerPoint doesn�t recognize the name of the cool font and so it substitutes another font it does know about. You don�t get to choose the substitute font, it does it for you.
And what happens to your carefully designed slides? One time I saw it select a font that made most of the text run off each slide and text boxes ran on top of each other, making the presentation look like a mess. Another time PowerPoint selected Webdings as the substitute font and all I saw was gobbled gook. Is that what you want a key decision maker to see when they open your presentation? I didn�t think so.
So my suggestion is stick with a boring font like Arial or Calibri. When your presentation arrives on another computer, it will look exactly like it did on your computer. Will the recipient of the file think poorly of you for using a boring font? If your message is well crafted and supported by persuasive visuals, I don�t think they will even notice.
How To Make Your Written Documents More Professional
According to a recent survey, the most common office cliches are: at the end of the day; it's not rocket science; and what goes around, comes around. The same survey also found that six in 10 employees hate it when their boss uses cliches; while it also states that one in three bosses have asked employees not use cliches during client meetings. So why do we revert to using the same phrases over and over again? Cliches can be a great way of getting a point across and help people really understand what you mean.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Discover The Top Ten Changes In Word 2010
Want to find out the key changes in Word 2010? This article brings you details of the top ten changes to help you to get to grips with what's new in Word 2010.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Using The Drawing Toolbar In Word
When I worked at a local video store I would often make posters to advertise various promotions using the Drawing toolbar in Microsoft Word. These were fairly basic graphics but they served a purpose. One such poster attracted the attention of my youngest son who asked me to show him how I created these drawing objects. I showed him how to transform a blank page into an amusing full-size drawing object in no time at all.
The full article appears here:
The Microsoft Training Blog Team
Word Document Corruption
While opening, MS Word checks the file format, which may be .doc, .docx, rtf, .txt etc. However, when the format is incorrect, MS word attempts to convert it to a form that can be read and understood.
After recognizing format or after converting it, Word moves to craft the Word object model. The data present in the document forms its basis. All objects like sections, paragraphs, and fields that are later used to perform some operations like printing, viewing etc, are made a part of the document. Though, conversion of the format is not possible in every case. This is because sometimes a document doesn�t open owing to corruption.
Corruption in the Word document can occur due to several reasons such as Macro virus, Invalid digital signature issue or Invalid Macro. Missing or partial data streams, header corruption are some other certain problems that may halt the working of a Word document. But again, the most common reason of corruption could be the bug in application itself which restricts content storage in the document, as a result of which it may fail to get opened correctly.
There is also a problem, what we call as round-tripping that may corrupt the document. It happens with the repetitive conversion of document in and out of Word formats. In some such situations, the data is converted in such a way that its tolerance level degrades and results into corruption. At this point of time, your document requires word repair.
The document corrupted in any of the above mentioned cases can be retrieved by using Word recovery software. The process of Word Recovery is done with exceptional care so that all your data can be recovered from the corrupted Word document.
11 best Free VPN
Listed below you will find a compilation of the 11 best free VPN (Virtual Private Network) services.
- securitykiss
- Free VPN
- Ultra VPN
- proXPN
- tor VPN
- VPN tool
- hotspot shield
- cyberghost vpn
- its hidden
- Open VPN
. Read More........
what is a VPN? and what the function of a VPN?
private Wide Area Network(WAN) using shared or public IP facilities, such as the Internet or private IP backbones.
Secure VPNs use cryptographic tunneling protocols to provide confidentiality by blocking intercepts and packet sniffing, allowing sender authentication to block identity spoofing, and provide message integrity by preventing message alteration.
VPN is a virtual connection that is private because basically it is not physically exist only in the form of a virtual network and why it is called private? because this network is a network of private nature which not everyone can access it. VPN Connecting the Personal Computer with a public network or the Internet but are private, because it is private so not everyone can be connected to this network and access it. Therefore, data security needed
The concept is basically the work VPN VPN Requires a server that berfungsing as a liaison between the PC. If described something like this
Internet <-> VPN Server <-> VPN Client <-> Client
when used to connect 2 computers in private with the Internet network so like this:
Computer 1 <-> VPN Clinet <-> Internet <-> VPN Server <-> VPN Client <-> Computer 2
also you can check on this other post
11 best Free VPN . Read More........
100 free backlinks PR5 - PR9
hundred backlinks PR5 - PR9
in this article, I will distribute 100 free backlinks to your website will you get from Great Directory.
Backlink what's there is "one way link", which means that sites that provide links into our blog and we do not need to linkback to their site.
This can help us in SEO, so that the web / blog we can win in a search on google. Moreover, most of it is free submit directory, it will be easier for us.
easy, we only need to submit to multiple directories for free, then wait several days, and sometimes - sometimes there are up to several weeks. After that you will receive notification that the blog you submit acceptable.
To log into the website click the link below.
Great Directory For PR5 - PR 9 . Read More........
PowerPoint Slide Makeover #64: Breaking the addiction to bulletizing a single point
Just a quick note to let you know that a new Slide Makeover Video Podcast based on the ideas in "The Visual Slide Revolution" is available for your viewing through the iTunes Store, online or through my YouTube channel. In an effort to fill a slide, too many presenters break one point into multiple bullet points. This makeover shares lessons for breaking this addiction and creating visual slides that help you communicate more effectively.
This slide is similar to those submitted by the participants in my workshops - someone just like you who is looking for a way to make their presentations more effective. If you want to submit some of your slides to be considered for a future slide makeover, e-mail them to me at
If you have already subscribed through iTunes or another podcatcher, the new podcast should be automatically downloaded when you next run the program.
To subscribe via the iTunes Store, click here.
To view online or get the RSS file for other podcatchers, click here.
You can also watch all the podcasts on my YouTube channel at
If you have subscribed via iTunes or YouTube, please provide your positive feedback on the videos in the Comments and Ratings areas of the service so others know the value you get from the videos.
To get your own copy of "The Visual Slide Revolution", click here.
To access quick "how-to" videos for only $1.99 each, click here.
ThreatCon � free widget for your site/blog
Symantec DeepSight Threat Management System tracks security events on a global basis, providing early warning of active attacks. With personalized notification triggers and expert analysis, the system enables enterprises to prioritize IT resources in order to better protect critical information assets against a potential attack.
To track security threats, it continuously correlates IDS and
Tethering Your Droid to a Linux System
Image my happiness with i got the droid update and saw usb tethering available.
Then image my sadness-->rage that VendorX wants to charge to charge another 15 bucks to tether.
so following the instructions from here it is possible to tether via USB on linux. Evidently PDAnet works great but i dont use windows cept for powerpoint and i cant afford a mac.
so here's how to get it going if you dont want to click the i'll never remember that URL.
install proxoid on your droid
download & extract the android sdk to your linux system
turn on android usb debugging -->application-->development-->usb debugging
turn on proxoid
connect usb
cg@c0:~$ cd android-sdk-linux_86/tools/
cg@c0:~/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$ sudo ./adb start-server
cg@c0t:~/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$ ./adb forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080
set your FireFox network settings to use localhost 8080 and you can surf. You should also be able to set your whole system to go thru the droid as well if you set the system wide network proxy.
Adobe XML Injection Metasploit Module
I just pushed out code coverage for the Adobe XML External Entity Injection vulnerability in multiple adobe products including: BlazeDS 3.2 and earlier versions, LiveCycle 9.0, 8.2.1, and
8.0.1, LiveCycle Data Services 3.0, 2.6.1, and 2.5.1, Flex Data
Services 2.0.1, ColdFusion 9.0, 8.0.1, 8.0, and 7.0.2
References Here:
I recommend you read security-asessment's pdf on it, its good.
Anyway, its a cool bug.
1 -->because it affects several products although most people have probably never heard of most of them except for ColdFusion.
2 -->its enabled by default on all those products you've never heard of except for ColdFusion, with the exception of CF 8 which appears to have it turned on by default.
3 -->You have to apply patches for CF individually and there is no automated process. Since this vuln got little media attention I've seen alot of hosts that are still missing this patch and/or didn't turn off the vuln service.
On with the demo!
So against a patched host or someone that has disabled the service in ColdFusion you'll see one of two things; either 404's for the checks or 200 for /flex2gateway/ and 500 for the http or https check.
If you get a bunch of 400's then you need to set the VHOST
When it works, you'll see something like this for /etc/passwd
and like this when you asked for a file that doesn't exist or doesn't have permission to read (since CF doesn't run as root on linux, requesting /etc/shadow wont work) :-(
At this point, you're probably like "so what" well whats cool about arbitrary file read is that 1. it also works on Windows: and 2. that whole attack is now cool again because you can just request that file too
PowerPoint Tip: Tools for working with audio or video to include in your PowerPoint presentation
The latest version of PowerPoint (PowerPoint 2010) includes built-in audio and video editing tools that make it almost like a media editing software program. But what about the vast majority of us who don�t have the latest version? Today I want to share some of the tools I have used that will help you edit, convert and show audios or videos during your presentation, no matter what version of PowerPoint you have.
The first tool is used to convert videos into the preferred PowerPoint format of WMV (Windows Media Video format). It is called Any Video Converter and is available at When you go to download it at their web site, make sure you go to the free downloads page in order to get the free version. I like this software because it is no cost, and does a great job of converting many different formats. It even allows you to convert online videos from YouTube as well. This is important if you are showing a YouTube video when you won�t have Internet access.
If you can�t install software on your corporate computer, I�ve just discovered a new online conversion tool that looks very promising. The web site is and audio and video conversions are two of the many conversions it will do. I�ve tested this site with a couple of videos and was impressed with the results. It allows you to convert a file from your system or it will go grab a YouTube or other online video. You can instantly download the converted file or e-mail it to someone (if the file isn�t too large). It also allows you to change the video parameters, including capturing only a certain portion of a video.
Once you have the video converted, you may need to edit it. You can use Windows Live Movie Maker, which is a free download from Microsoft�s web site. It works with and outputs WMV files, so it is ideal for videos you want to use in PowerPoint. You can also use the online video editing tool I mentioned last issue at
If the video you want to use is not in a format that PowerPoint accepts and you don�t want to convert it, you can use the VLC Media Player that plays video clips in almost every format I�ve ever heard of. You can download it for free at One way I�ve used VLC is to play QuickTime MOV videos. I associate the MOV file type with VLC in Windows so that it knows to open MOV files using VLC. Then, on my slide, I�ll create a hyperlink from an image to the video file on my computer. When I activate the hyperlink, it automatically starts playing the video in VLC. I like VLC because it plays so many different formats and its player window is nice and clean.
To record or edit audio, the utility I mentioned last time, Audacity, is the best. You can download it at If you are recording an audio track, use a microphone, like a USB headset mic you might use for video chatting with friends. It gives much better quality than a built-in computer mic. Any distortions in quality are more noticeable when amplified in the meeting room, so get the best audio quality you can. If you need to get an audio track from a video clip, you can use the Any Video Converter utility mentioned above to convert the video to an MP3 track and then edit it in Audacity.
I know this tip is a long one, but I hope you now have a number of new tools to use when creating audio and video to use in your PowerPoint presentations.
Problems while Trying to Open a Word 2003 Document
As an instance, you might observe any of the below symptoms while attempting to open a Word 2003 document:
- The document doesn�t open successfully and its text appears to be filled with strange characters like square boxes
- You encounter an error suggesting that the document is corrupt and to repair it, you should use Open and Repair option or Text Recovery converter
- You encounter a message indicating errors in file. The error further describes to check the file permissions and hard disk for sufficient space
- You observe File Conversion dialog box and Preview pane consisting of unreadable content
Word 2003 exhibits the above behavior in one of the following conditions:
Document is read-only
Links or the document is damaged
You need to ensure for appropriate file permissions. If this is not the case, try repairing the damaged Word 2003 document using these methods:
- Firstly Restore from backup
- Use Open and Repair feature
- If damaged links is the issue, you can open such documents in draft mode, making sure that you don�t update the links
- Create a new document and try inserting the damaged document as a file in it
- Create a new document and link the document from it
- Try opening the document in Word Pad
Word Recovery tools come embedded with advanced scanning features to allow safe and complete Word document repair.