The copyright �, trademark �, and registered trademark �, symbols can be inserted quickly in Office applications using the Autocorrect feature. Typing (c), (tm), or (r) will accomplish this. The other way to enter special symbols in Excel is by going to Insert > Symbol.You can actually create your own keyboard shortcuts for inserting other special symbols in Excel such as the micro symbol (�),
. Read More........Copying/Pasting Excel Charts Into Other Programs
One of the valuable "hidden" tricks in Excel is how to copy a chart as an image so that when pasting into another program, it will paste as an image rather than an Excel object (which generally saves the entire workbook along with the chart). Here's the trick:Hold down the Shift key as you select the Edit menu. This will make the "Copy as Picture..." option available.This will work for nearly any
. Read More........Insert a New Row or Column - Excel Keyboard Shortcut
Lately, I have been trying to use as many Excel keyboard shortcuts as I can (not only for productivity, but for ergonomic reasons). I haven't found a quick keyboard shortcut to insert a new row or column, but there is a two-step process that is quite convenient:Shift+SpaceBar = Select the current rowCtrl+Shift+PlusSign = Insert row(s) To insert a new column, in step 1 use Ctrl+SpaceBar to select
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